Carbon accounting software for fashion brands.

Our carbon accounting software is designed specifically for the fashion industry, providing comprehensive tools to track, manage, and reduce your carbon footprint. Net zero planning designed for fashion brands.

Designing for decarbonisation

With estimates of the carbon footprint of fashion at 4-8% of global greenhouse gas emissions, building sustainability into the way we design, make, move, and use fashion and textiles is essential to the fight against climate change.

Brands can reduce emissions by making changes across the garment lifecycle, including distribution methods, consumer education, and most importantly material choice and sourcing.

As consumer expectations have shifted, there's now a growing commercial opportunity (as well as a moral imperative) for brands to decarbonise.

How we help

Seedling's dedicated fashion product - built alongside industry partners, such as the British Fashion Council - makes it easy for brands to accurately measure emissions across both their operations and the full life cycle of their products.

Material deep-dive

Understand your material hotspots and get "improved fibre" recommendations.

Garment lifecycle

By-garment analysis. Get data on the the emissions of each item you sell.


Understand circular business models (CBMs) and the impact of adoption.

What fashion brands say about us

"With Seedling, we inputted data on what we do as a brand: the materials we use, where they're made, how they've travelled etc. The team at Seedling then calculate what that means in terms of carbon. To see all of our data in one place, and having a real person at the end of the phone to discuss what the data means and crucially how to make what we do better, was amazing."
Patrick McDowell
"Seedling has enabled us to play around with our strategy and understand the impact of any changes we make. For instance, if we want to switch 60% of cotton to recycled, we can quantify the impact that this will have. This is so helpful because once we've set targets, the key challenge is understanding how we get there."
Mica Phillips
Sustainability Manager

Chat to an expert

Measure a full-scope footprint, reduce emissions, and share your Net Zero strategy.